There are many different types of personalities out there, those who are organised and have a need for everything to be in its proper place, those who thrive in a cluttered mess, and then there are those who can be a combination of both.
However, when this comes to your work or home life there can be unforeseen effects on our wellbeing and mental health depending on how your space and time is organised. There is a lot of information out there about how participating in exercise can have a benefit on your mental health by helping with mood, and can act as a stress relief.
However, there are more factors in play when addressing mental health then making sure that you are participating in regular physical activity and eating well.
It has been pointed out that there is a correlation between having a clean workspace or tidy home and reducing stress and improving mental health. No one change alone is going to work for everyone. But there are small changes that you can consider making to get the most benefit out of your work and home life routines.
One of these ways is to ensure that your space is clean whether this is a desk at work or your kitchen at home. Start by wiping down and de-cluttering your space. This can be in the form of organising papers, computer files or cleaning away equipment and supplies that you do not use when working. This is not something that needs to be an everyday occurrence, it could be something that you can do at the start of the week.
Or for at home when you are making sure that you put the washing up away and not leaving it in the rack, vacuuming the floors or cleaning up as you go when cooking. These sound like really easy or small changes to make, but like with everything there are going to be days when it is harder to stick to. To ensure that you are looking after yourself in the best possible way, it is beneficial to implement the above mentioned changes to keeping home and work spaces clean, as well as having a regular exercise routine for the added mental health benefits.