I’m not going to tell you to not over indulge in all the good things this festive season….. because that would be cruel and well, this is the season to be kind! As the festive season only comes around once a year we should make the most of it.. although on the flipside there are ways to balance our health so that we don’t all waddle into January. Prioritising our health is something we should all be doing more of especially over the silly season, below is some ideas on how to stay active.
Walking is a great way to stay active during this time, research shows that 2-minute bouts of light to moderate walking roughly 20 minutes after a meal has significant reductions in blood glucose levels after eating. Other benefits of walking 3 days a week include improved sleep and mood, reduced fatigue as well as improved energy and stamina levels.
Family exercise:
Throughout the festive season getting active with the family is beneficial for everyone’s health. Simple activities you can do with the family include family games such as back yard cricket, beach volleyball and hanging out in the back yard pool swimming.
Keep Hydrated:
Staying hydrated over the silly season is super important as the days get hotter and as we consume rich, salty and fatty foods. While alcohol is normally the drink of choice, you should know that alcohol dehydrates you and fills you up with empty calories. The clearer the liquid the less calories!
Its been another big year and we all deserve an opportunity to slow down and recharge. Remember your health and well being is important over the festive season and your Exercise Physiologist will be looking forward to seeing you in the new year for another fun filled year of exercise.
OK, now you’re all set for a balanced and fun festive season! Merry Christmas.