Our Modified Physical Activity Program endeavours to help its participants learn and acquire developmental skills that are required to be performed on a daily basis.
One of the focuses of our program is on the development of fine motor skills. Fine motor skills require the coordination of the muscles of the fingers and hands to perform small tasks which involve the synchronisation of the hands and fingers with visual stimulus.
Fine motor skills play a large part in our activities of daily living, such as picking up objects, buttoning up a shirt and turning a door knob. Here are just some examples of the game-based activities our participants complete in the program:
- Sewing Shapes
The aim of this game is to create shapes with woollen string. Participants weave the woollen string through a peg board to create multiple shapes. To increase the level of difficulty of the activity, participants are given a list of shapes ranging from simple to more complex.
- Sticker on the Spot
The aim of this game is to place a sticker in the centre of a target. Four small targets are arranged into randomised fashion. Participants are to jump up and down on the spot a distance away from the targets then, as quickly as possible, run towards the targets and place the sticker as close to the centre of the target as possible. To increase the level of difficulty of the activity, participants can spin around on the spot instead of jumping or use their non-dominant hand to place the sticker.
- Pick Up Sticks
The aim of this game is to remove sticks from a pile without moving any other sticks around it. Participants drop a handful of sticks from a small height above a table so that the stick fall in a random pattern. One stick at a time is pulled from the pile trying not to move any other sticks in the process. To increase the level of difficulty of the activity, participants can use their non-dominant hand or use different fingers to pick up the sticks (e.g. thumb and middle finger).
For more information on our Modified Physical Activity Program, call us on 46383777, or book in for a complimentary group session.