A BIG thank you to the Vision Exercise Physiology team for being the “Icing on my cake”.

Early 2015 my Orthopedic surgeon said I would require knee replacements in both knees within 5 years.

The Cake

In December 2015 I underwent a Total right knee replacement.  Through 2016 I followed this surgery up with regular physio rehabilitation exercise and swimming trying to regain enough strength to enable my ability to undertake higher level strengthening and muscle building exercises.

The Icing

In January 2017 I made contact with Vision Exercise Physiology and booked an appointment with them to determine the best way forward with my rehabilitation.

After learning about the Lifestyle Group Program I decided this would be best for me to participate in as it is fully supervised by a Exercise Physiologist in a small group environment.

After 3 months of participation attending 3/5 times a week I have since had a review with my Orthopedic surgeon regarding my left knee status. Much to my delight he believes my strength has improved so much to the point that I hopefully won’t require that Total knee replacement for another 10 years.

I continue to enjoy my Group sessions and the increased overall strength and fitness level gained.