There a number of factors that can contribute to a person falling, so knowing your risk factors and taking some precautions is a good place to start. By taking these precautions you can reduce your risk of falling. However, each individual is different and only some may be applicable.
Some examples are as follows:
- Drinking enough fluids
- Maintaining a healthy and active lifestyle with regular exercise
- Taking medication only as prescribed, knowing any side effects and how they may affect you
- Wearing the right shoes – comfortable, firm-fitting, non-slip soles
- Wearing slippers that are good fitting and do not slide off your feet
- Not walking in socks
- Making sure that clothing is not too long, causing a trip hazard
- Hazard proofing your home to make it as safe as possible: e.g removing slip or trip hazards
- Have non-slip mats or floor treatments in your home
- Wiping up spills immediately
- Making sure that there is adequate lighting
- Using your walking aids at all times
- Installing grab rails in the bathroom
- Keeping pathways in good repair and clean
- Marking the edge of steps so they are easy to see
- Having a medical alert in place within your residence