Earlier this month was Jean Hailes Women’s Health Week. During that week, there were daily posts highlighting different aspects of women health and exercise. If you take one thing away from all that information, it’s the importance of individualisation, listening to your body, and surrounding yourself with health professionals that are going to work with you to achieve your goals. There can be a lot of information out there that seems to limit what you can do and the impact that can have on your mental health is huge. The guidelines are there for a reason, but as I work more within the women’s health relm, the more I learn how amazing a woman’s body is and that through graduated exercise, we can get you pushing yourself as much as you need, doing “safe” exercises for you (symptom free).
Below is a link to a great podcast from the Pelvic Health Podcast between Lori Forner and Haley Shevener talking about her experience with pelvic organ prolapse after her first child and her journey back to exercise and the different struggles she faced. I found it very empowering and an interesting take from the view of a health profession going through the same challenges as a lot of women.